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Skilled Legal Representation When Filing For Divorce

Filing for divorce doesn't have to be a difficult process in Alaska. Many people choose to handle their own divorce to avoid the cost of hiring an attorney. Even if you plan a do-it-yourself divorce, timely legal advice can help you avoid costly mistakes.

At the Law Offices of Fred H. Valdez LLC in Anchorage, I offer unbundled divorce services. This means I can provide as much - or as little - legal help as you need.

Some of the major issues in divorce include:

• Reaching an agreement regarding the division of marital property

• Determining if you have the right to receive or an obligation to pay alimony

• Negotiating a child custody and visitation agreement for minor children, including where the children will live, how many overnights

the other parent will have and who has the right to make parenting decisions

• Determining how much child support you are entitled to receive or are obligated to pay

Can I Handle My Own Divorce?

While you can prepare the necessary paperwork yourself, few people would choose to do so without advice from an experienced lawyer. The

cost of fixing mistakes can be far greater than the cost of obtaining legal advice upfront. In addition, some mistakes can't be fixed. For example, once you and your spouse agree to a split of marital property and a judge approves it, you can't undo the split unless there was an issue such as fraud.

As your lawyer, I can help you obtain everything you are entitled to have in divorce. In addition, I can help you with issues that many people

overlook in a do-it-yourself divorce, such as division of retirement accounts and deciding who can claim the tax deduction for dependent

children after your divorce.

To Schedule An Attorney Consultation

To discuss your divorce with me, attorney Fred H. Valdez, call 907-274-5000 to schedule a consultation. From my office in Anchorage, I serve clients throughout Alaska, including the coastal communities,  the North Slope, the panhandle and the interior.

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